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Don't need to exercise?

You've gone for your doctor's appointment and he thinks you're doing great!  Your weight is right where you want it, your cholesterol levels are normal and your blood pressure is perfect ... why exercise?   It's simple, exercise is good for your heart. Numerous studies have found exercise enhances your entire cardiovascular system which means a reduced risk of heart disease. Think about it. Your heart is a muscle, when you do aerobic exercise you're working your heart, making it bigger and stronger which will protect it from disease. As your heart gets bigger and stronger it's able to pump more blood which helps deliver oxygen to muscles and carry away waste. It also helps lower your blood pressure. A recent study found regular exercise can lower blood pressure by 10 points. It can even prevent the onset of hypertension. So add a little insurance toward your health future ... get out and exercise!

'An Apple a Day'

Eat to Beat the Heat!

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Allow Peter to be your Spiritual Life Coach and be fed spiritually each day with topics on; believing again, finding balance, dreaming big, restoring hope and faith.


Join Peter as he shares his knowledge and tips on daily workout routines, exercise tips of the day, strength training, cardio, stretching and lifestyle.

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