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Cut Down on the Red Meat!

It may be time to cut back or cut out red meat from your diet. Studies show that a high fat diet, especially one with a lot of red meat, increases a person's risk of developing colon cancer. In 2009, the Archives of Internal Medicine published a study that followed over 545,000 people between the ages of 50 and 71 over a period of 10 years. In this study, red meat was defined as beef, pork, or processed meats from red meat, like sausage and bacon. White meat included chicken, turkey, and fish. The findings were significant. Men who ate 5 oz. or more of red meat each day had a 31% increased risk of dying of cancer or heart disease, women had an even higher risk -- 36%! White meat had the opposite effect, those who ate higher amounts of white meats such as chicken and turkey, appeared to have a decreased risk for premature death or developing cancer.  It is worse for those who are already battling colon cancer. A different study followed more than 1,000 colon cancer survivors. Researchers found that those who ate red meat and fatty foods are more than three times more likely to suffer a recurrence. Skip the red meat and load up on fish, and vegetables, which have been known to actually help fight cancer.

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