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Sugar Rush

A great example of the change that has occurred in eating habits over the past 30 years is the old rule of thumb that recommended we should get twenty five percent of our caloric intake in the form of sugar compared to current USDA sugar guidelines, which suggest that no more than 8 percent of our daily calories should come from sugar. New research shows that twenty five percent of caloric intake comprised of sugar dilutes other key vitamins needed to stay healthy! Recent guidelines issued by the Department of Agriculture lay out a different program: a maximum of six teaspoons of added sugar daily for someone taking in 1,600 calories, ten teaspoons for a regimen of 2,000 calories and eighteen teaspoons when the caloric intake is 2,800. Six to eighteen teaspoons of sugar may seem extreme, but it is amazing how quickly those teaspoons add up! One can of soda pop has a whopping ten teaspoons; processed food like jarred spaghetti sauce, breakfast cereal, barbecue sauce and ketchup add on sugar without you even thinking about it! To rein in your sugar intake, cut down on sodas, pay close attention to labels and talk to a nutritionist to find out if you're staying within your daily guidelines!

Whole Grains

Obesity in Children

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