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Optimal Workout Times

Timing can influence the kind of exercise you do and the gains you make!
  • In the morning joints are at their stiffest! That makes warming up before working out especially important, but it's also important to note that your body's ability to build new muscle is greatest in the morning-- so that might be the best time for you.
  • By mid afternoon, most of us experience a sort of mid-day slump even if they don't eat lunch -- but a quick workout can still be effective.
  • By the late afternoon and early evening your bodily functions are reaching an optimal level for an effective workout.
The body seems to recover more quickly when you exercise between three and seven. You'll not only reap optimal gains from your workout -- it will help you fall asleep faster!

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Allow Peter to be your Spiritual Life Coach and be fed spiritually each day with topics on; believing again, finding balance, dreaming big, restoring hope and faith.


Join Peter as he shares his knowledge and tips on daily workout routines, exercise tips of the day, strength training, cardio, stretching and lifestyle.

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