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A popular shortcut to weight loss is fasting, and all we can say is don't do it! Fasting decreases blood sugar and that makes you fell sick and weak! Also, when starving yourself you lose nearly as much muscle as fat. Muscle burns calories and when you lose muscle. Fasting to lose weight is a recipe for being miserable and a sure path to putting whatever weight you lose back on!our metabolism slows down, reducing your ability to lose weight. It's a vicious cycle! When you stop fasting and go back to a normal diet, you quickly put back on the weight you lost -- and sometimes more! Another factor comes into play when fasting. The human body has a complex system of checks and balances. When you starve yourself it thinks you're really starving and the metabolism slows to conserve energy! The best recipe for weight loss is less calories ... and 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day!

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